The 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 workout

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1 minute
2 minute
- 30 seconds regular squats.
- 30 seconds jump squats.
- 30 seconds regular squats.
- 30 seconds jump squats.
3 minute
- 10 pushups / rest.
- 15 tricep dips / rest.
- Repeat for 3 minutes.
4 minute

- 1 minute lunges or walk lunges.
- 1 minute mountain climbers.
- Repeat for 4 minutes.
5 minute
- any cardio you want, walk, run, elliptical, bike

- If you are at home:
1 minute high knees.
1 minute jumping jacks
1 minute front kicks
1 minute jumping jacks
1 minute run in place.

  • You are free to take as many breaks as you need.
  • When you are Just starting out go through once.
  • Later; Intermediate go through twice.
  • When you feel you arrived to an advanced go through three or four times.

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